Still not able to post pictures here, so you will have to go to my FB page for that. Made a turtle butter dish, the first thing I have made in ages. Thought the turtle/tortoise was appropriate as I have used it as a metaphor in my recovery process. Also reminds me of my sister, who inherited a fantastic collection from her mother-in-law. She made many additions of her own, including of course, the ones I made her.
Had a PT evaluation on Thursday, 10/24/24. They are very happy with my progress, especially strength.
A few more weeks, down to once a week, have been suggested to continue work on getting rid of limp and climbing stairs. I have had a limp from slight to debilitating for the better part of my life so will not be overly upset if it doesn't go completely. AND, I climbed my stairs like-a-grown-up! Going down is a completely different story. Found that out many years ago when I was getting PT for a slight knee injury.
I have been enjoying a long, warm, sunny autumn. We are going to bring the last of the plants in today, along with a bunch of petunias. I moved shelving around so I might even try a few herbs. Then we can clean up the deck for the winter.
We'll see, grasshopper............we'll see..........
As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by...........*s*