Sunday, January 5, 2025

Twelfth Tide

 Old Christmas is past

Twelfth tide is the last

As we bid you adieu

Great health in the New.

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by.............*s*

Friday, January 3, 2025


I have figured out a complicated but doable way to post photos.  This is a test shot of the turtle butter dish I have been working on. Its slightly pink cast is due to the wax resist I use to keep colors from smearing.  One of the drawbacks to working the way I do is that the colors can be very fragile.  Wax keeps them safe and burns off in the kiln.

 Well!  I made it through another year.  Biggest thing was the hip replacement.  My only regret  is that I waited so long to do it.

Sending all my best wishes for a healthy, happy, and peaceful New Year!

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by................*s*

Wednesday, January 1, 2025



That was fast!

Where did 2024 go?

Toes crossed for a Happy 2025.

Monday, December 23, 2024






Saturday, October 26, 2024

Speaking of Turtles

Still not able to post pictures here, so you will have to go to my FB page for that.  Made a turtle butter dish, the first thing I have made in ages.  Thought the turtle/tortoise was appropriate as I have used it as a metaphor in my recovery process.  Also reminds me of my sister, who inherited a fantastic collection from her mother-in-law.  She made many additions of her own, including of course, the ones I made her.
Had a PT evaluation on Thursday, 10/24/24.  They are very happy with my progress, especially strength.
A few more weeks, down to once a week, have been suggested to continue work on getting rid of limp and climbing stairs.  I have had a limp from slight to debilitating for the better part of my life so will not be overly upset if it doesn't go completely.  AND, I climbed my stairs like-a-grown-up!  Going down is a completely different story.  Found that out many years ago when I was getting PT for a slight knee injury.
I have been enjoying a long, warm, sunny autumn.  We are going to bring the last of the plants in today, along with a bunch of petunias. I moved shelving around so I might even try a few herbs.  Then we can clean up the deck for the winter.
We'll see, grasshopper............we'll see..........
As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by...........*s*