Stay well and safe.
As always, thanks for stopping by.......*s*
Stay well and safe.
As always, thanks for stopping by.......*s*
My this is fun! I am learning to use the *new* *improved* Blogger! I find it difficult to think about new methods while I am trying to type comprehendable sentences.
I have been thinking a lot about glazing and why so many potters appear to loathe the process. I have feeling part of it is due to the thrill of hands in clay and making something vs. the mechanics needed to learn glazing. I am not talking chemistry here, but the methods of applying and combining glazes.
Below are two tea canisters glazed in Spectrun #799 Majolica White. The designs are Mason Stains. The luna moths are my own mix. The interesting thing is that this green on Linda Arbuckle’s majolica white is exactly the color of a luna moth. The difference is most likely in the glaze recipes.
Speaking of luna moths I have only seen a few at the beginning of the summer. Our lack of rain and hot weather may have something to do with that.