More little whisky sippers. I am still doing major studio clean up before I move back downstairs to my real workspace. Meanwhile these little guys are a good way to keep my hand in decorating, although they are not speedy. They make great kiln fillers. Majolica glazes are extremely stable so thes can be tucked into all sorts of nooks and crannies.
Today I go for my Covid test which is required by my hospital. On Thursday I go for my two-year follow up colonoscopy after my surgery in 2020. Various docs are not expecting any problems, but there is always and element of uncertainty in any follow up.
Besides, now that winter is over, trees are leafing, and stuff beginning to bloom I have to have something to obsess and be anxious about! It’s always sumthin’ 🤭
We’ll see, grasshopper……we’ll see………
As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by………..*s*
P.S. Google logged me out and is not letting me sign in again. Just want all to know that I am not ignoring you!
O grasshopper……..