Friday, June 1, 2018


You just gotta paint a fish!

I have been gathering up the fish, turtles and mermaids that I put in various parts of the garden, fish pond,, and pool.  I found this lonely little guy with his white base coat, but nothing else.  Soooooo, he has been getting some bling.

It just started raining here.  The upside is that it really does in the remnants of caterpillar infestations from the last two summers.  We may actually be able to use the pool for more than a few weeks in August-Sptember.

Toes crossed that all who have been experiencing torrential rains and flooding are safe and dry.

As always, thanks for stopping by...........*s*


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. what a super fish; I can see him in an aquarium along with some of his friends that you make; a person wouldn't need any real fish because these would steal the show.

  3. Hi Linda....Thanks. The other side is completely different as he is not for sale. I post a photo when it’s done. Rain this week so I probably will wait to put everyone out.

  4. a very exotic fish... hope you get just the right amount of rain

    1. Hi Anna....Thanks. We are very green right now. Toes crossed it stays that way!

  5. I really like your new decorative designs! it's beautiful so much and good idea on site.



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