Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Moonflowers and Mugs

Found this blooming late yesterday afternoon.  Moonflowers are a night blooming flower so I need to pay attention.  After our 'hurricane' and rain I didn't think I would get any blossoms at all.

The morning glories came back too.  The wind was strong enough to blow all the more mature buds off the vine.  A nice surprise to say the least.

Everything was planted late due to a cold, wet june.  No worries about the well this winter!

I've been thinking about mugs lately.  They hold a special place for me; I think because they are the only item I make that actually touches my lips.  I use my own mugs for the most part.  Many reasons, 1.) They are usually seconds so I don't shed tears when the cats have been drinking crazy juice. 2.)Over time I get a feel for my interaction with them.  How does the lip feel against my mouth?  How difficult, or easy is it to use?  Is the handle right?  How does the tea look in the mug?  Does it work visually?  I try not to get too compulsive......

Put together my first teapot in about ten years.  Like bike riding I didn't forget how to do it, but it was a wobbly experience.  I probably won't bother to fire it, but more will come.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Time Fugits

Wow! It has been so long since I've thrown anything that it's a wonder the mice haven't taken up residence in my wheel.

I threw these little forms last night.  They are the basis for mice, penguins, pigs and any other animal I can think up.

The larger form wanted to be a small teapot.  I like to cut my clay while it is still pretty wet, thus the lid.  I will wait until it's a soft leather stage to begin working on it.

I've been trying to throw a little heavier than I usually do.  I use Miller #25 a fritted terra cotta.  The frit makes it possible to throw thin.  Sometimes a good thing, sometimes not.

Question:  How do you discourage Helper Cats from helping?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What I Do

thrown and altered gravy boat

bunny whistle

gossiping goony birds

boot whistle

frog whistle

art nouveau mugs, after Mucha
All my work is in terra cotta painted on raw glaze with stains.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why majolica?

I think it started with my Nanu's teapot.  She had many, but this one was majolica, made in Italy around the turn of the 19th-20th century.  I would look at it and wonder how they did it.  Fast forward approximately forty years later to a majolica workshop given by a grad student at R.I.C.  I went home, pulled Nanu's teapot out of storage and aha, "I can do that!"

I am a fauve at heart.  I love the colors I can achieve with Majolica, the feel of my brush on raw glaze, and the risk of having one chance to get it right.

This blog will be a work in progress.  I decided to start posting because I am fully capable of losing myself in dithering.