Sunday, October 7, 2012


This is the top shelf of my kiln.  It's not really apparent in the photo but the top four inches is a blank ring.  As long as I have at least one round of elements above the shelf it goes up to temp.  I will put a half shelf over the area with glazed ware to help keep the heat in.

The plate is a refire.  I was extremely unhappy with the way it fired originally...too many crawls and thin spots.  I filled in all the bare and thin spots with glaze and repainted the areas where needed.  I use a thick mix of paste (gerstley borate and frit 3124) with mason stain.  Of course, it being a plate, it's entirely possible that I will open the kiln to find it has massive cracks or even in two pieces.  If this were part of a set for sale I would not even think of refiring it.

We'll see, Grasshopper......we'll see.............

We put the leaf mesh on the pond yesterday.  It's easy to open on one edge to feed the fish who are still actively swimming around.  The six black fish become almost impossible to see.

The trees aren't really changing yet.  Some of the swamp maples are changing, but it hasn't been cold enough to get real color.  We often don't get a lot until late October.  There is more color down along the river a couple of miles away.  Perhaps I'll remember to put my camera in the car.  Yeah!

It rained off and on all night and early this morning.  Now we have sun with high thin clouds.  More cool weather is on the way.

It will probably warm up enough this afternoon to get stuff done.  I'm bringing in my more fragile plants today.

Right now I'm off get the papers and do a little marketing.  Enjoy the day and tomorrow, Columbus day.  I think RI is the only state that celebrates it as a legal holiday!

As always......thanks for stopping by...............*s*


  1. I remember when we used to get Columbus day off as kids for a holiday, things change don't they. Good luck with the firing, mine is cooling down now.

  2. I totally forgot it was Columbus Day weekend until customers in the gallery mentioned they were in town for the long weekend.
    Best of luck with the re-fire, it's always a crap shoot, isn't it?

  3. do you warm the plate before you re fire it? I put pots to re fire on top of bisque kilns or in a warm bisque kiln to take out any moisture it gathers while sitting.
    Oh- everything is closed here for Columbus day as well.
    Winter is coming...

  4. Dearest Suzi,

    It doesn't matter doing things over, as long as the end result is pleasing! Hope this time you will achieve that satisfaction.
    Happy Columbus Day to you as well. Here it is still lovely and sunny, after some rain too.
    Hugs to you,

  5. such a pretty garden, my goodness, can we visit, pretty please?

  6. The plate looks beautiful, I hope you are able to save it.

  7. I hope the plate inproves on the refire! But it looks just dandy in the photo!

  8. Hello All.....Thanks for all the kind comments and encouragement!

    I'll talk more about the firing on my next post

    I always appreciated the thoughts and wishes sent my way.......*s*


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