Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I'm Here!

This is just a quick post to thank everyone for all the kind thoughts and wishes.

The tooth (a molar) was pulled before I was really aware of it.  With a local anesthetic the worst part was the sound of crunching.

Right now I have expected swelling which makes me look as though I have a large orange stuck in my mouth.  I'm not feeling much inclination to get into my studio but I am coming up with some ideas for future work.

I am down to Tylenol for pain so things are going reasonably well there.

I'll do another posting later in the week.  Meanwhile, thank you all!


  1. Yikes, that is no fun. Been there recently. Hope it heals quickly and you are back to normal soon.

  2. Ick! I have a painful molar right now and I am procrastinating, I just HATE dental work, it's still so medieval. Hope it's all just a faint memory for you soooon!

  3. OMFG you poor thing. I hope tHat you are being spoiled around the house indeed :)

  4. Dearest Suzi,
    Good for you that your tooth has been taken care of. Minor things in life...
    Enjoy your December month further as it is meant to be! Ah, we both have Dutch blood...

  5. Hi Suzi,

    Never nice having to visit the dentist.
    Hope you heal quickly and feel back to normal.


  6. Just thinking of the crunching sound makes me squeamish, I am not a fan of the dentist!!
    Glad you are on the mend.

  7. Agggggh, the "crunching"...
    Hope you are better soon and can enjoy Christmas festivities! I did keep one of my teeth that the dentist pulled, I think the plan was to sit it in a cup of sugar water every time I felt vindictive and vengeful (it had been a particularly badly behaved tooth!), but it does appear that the poor old thing got thrown away in the end!

  8. dental pain is the worst, hope you're doing better soon.

  9. Oh, not fun. Glad you are on the mend!

  10. I hope you're feeling better by now or soon anyway.

  11. Thanks again to everyone, for your kind thoughts. I am beginning to feel a lot better. Time is the great healer.


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