Saturday, May 23, 2015

Happy Turtle Day

This little guy crawled out from under a shelf today just in time for Turtle Day.  He's not really that little.  His shell is about twelve inches from head to tail.

I originally made him to go in a show I was doing, but the bottom shell separated from the top in the firing.  At the time I was totally disgusted and put him on the floor under a shelf.  Looking at him, I've decided it doesn't matter now as he is going out in the garden with the other turtles and tortoises. 

Meanwhile, spring has been arriving all at once.  The oaks and maples in their varieties are in bloom....all at once!  We haven't taken the net off the pond due to two hawks that come and perch in the trees and name the fish 'dinner'!  It's now covered with maple flower strings and stuff!  Now that the trees are leafed out we can take the net off.

Enjoy Memorial Day and remember!

As always, thanks for stopping by..........*s*


  1. Dear Suzi,

    I love your Turtle and that you got him out for Turtle day
    Glad that Spring has sprung there for you and it must be nice seeing all the garden wake up after winter.
    Enjoy the weekend

    1. Hi Carolyn.....Thanks. I'm looking forward to firing him.

  2. Dearest Suzi,
    That is quite a special addition for the garden, also size wise.
    Good that the spring is coming full circle now and you did wise for protecting your pet fish!
    Here we're praying for rain and plants and trees start looking bad...
    Hugs and yes, we do remember as my Parents got liberated by brave veterans. Some that gave all...

    1. Hi Mariette....Thanks. I enjoy making stuff for the gardens.
      Considering how much snow we had over the winter, the lack of rain is a little scary. At least the water tables are high because of the snow.
      Your memories of your parents' liberation somehow gives me a sense of a circle completed.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Gary....Hope springs eternal......or so they say.
      Western Mass has seen cold night with frost. Toes crossed that this is not you!

  4. oh I love him, hope you glaze him and fire him again; he remnds me of the gopher tortoise from Florida which are quite huge.

    1. Hi Linda.....Thanks. I'm enjoying the glazing and painting process a lot. I went back and looked at some of your gopher turtle posts. There is a definite resemblance!

  5. He's a big beautiful guy...or she? Can't wait to see the glazing results...glad the fish are safe, and the birds have moved on for other dinners.

  6. Hi Barb.....Since I can't tell the difference between male and female turtles...I call him Tyrian!

  7. Cool turtle, glad you decided to resurrect him!


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