Saturday, November 12, 2016


My Christmas and Thanksgiving cactus are blooming away.  They always bloom early due to being outside all summer.  I've decided that  that is okay as it is a good excuse to buy more come Christmas.

I had forgotten that I used to make lots of cachepots to hold small, plastic pots.  Think I'll make some more!  They are simple to handbuild and fun to decorate.

This is one of the blue jays in the feeder that Aloysius and Kiki are staring at in my last post!

Feeding birds has been strange this year.  We started putting out seed in September and have tons of birds coming to the feeders.  We counted seven jays yesterday, plus chickadees, nuthatches, finches.  Last year we had a few chickadees and nuthatches, but they only showed up when there was snow on the ground.  Go figure!

We are still enjoying a warm fall.  It's supposed to go up to 60F. today.  I could live with this all winter!

Enjoy the week end and,as always, thanks for stopping by................*s*


  1. we just had our first freeze, so all my outside potted plants are now inside, except a few petunias which will continue to bloom for a while. And maybe the grocery store chrysanthemum will bloom again, since it's leaves are still green.

    1. Hi Barb...We've had light frost but no real killing frosts. I have brought petunia and marigold planters inside for the winter.
      Your mum will probably not bloom again but if you cut it back and keep it moist you should have a huge plant next year. BTW, mums grow really easily from cuttings.

  2. we are having a weird bird year too! and the geese are weird too...... one day we had 100's now nothing. My cardinals are missing too...... hmmmmm.... Love the cactus!!

  3. Hi Sandy....Weird describes it well! We had a family of bluebirds over the summer and one pair of cardinals this fall.
    I love the colors and fragility of the cactus flowers.

  4. OMG our Christmas cactus is NUTS too, I love it so!

    1. Hi Gary......Flowers in winter are part of what keep me going.
      BTW, love the red dragons!

  5. Dearest Suzi,
    Well, the view for Aloyisius and Kiki is spectacular I must say!
    Enjoy your Christmas cactus, I used to have lots of them but now we have zero...
    We did have our first night around freezing and tonight will be cold as well.
    Friday, while being north of Atlanta we enjoyed walking in the sunshine at 80 degrees and next morning when we had breakfast in the hotel it was so mean and nippy, what a difference in one day!
    Those mild and good days are gone I'm afraid. Still no rain for us and wild fires are a hazard here.
    Sending you hugs,

    1. Hi Mariette....We had our first real frost a few nights ago...on one side of the house. I guess the other side was more sheltered!
      You have certainly been busy with your singing and decision to sell your land. Busy and active is part of what makes things interesting.
      Happy to see you back in blog-o-land!

  6. Hi Suzi those blue birds are very pretty and very tempting for your cats I'm sure.. I managed to let my Christmas cactus (Zygo?) die a couple of summers ago... yours look great.

  7. Hi Anna....We have had a lot more blue jays than usual this year; I'm not sure whyl


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