Thursday, September 13, 2018


This is the purchased pot I glazed a while ago. 
 I only just realized that I never posted a picture of the painted pot.  I am still working on dragonflies so I decided that this was a good practise opportunity.  I am not totally satisfied, but they are beginning to get there.  The leaf pattern is a very old one that I haven’t used in ages.

The weather changed quite suddenly at the end of last week.  We went from ninety plus with high humidity to seventies and a couple of days of sixties overnight.  I even had to wear socks! 

We have been having rain with occasional bits of sun. The only thing we expect from Florence is possible rain,which we can always use.

On that note I hope all those who are in Flrence’s path are taking care and not taking chances.  I know it has been downgraded to a cat.2, but the potential for damage is still present.

As always, thanks for stopping by...............*s*