Saturday, March 1, 2025

Hares and Rabbits

 WOW!  Not sure where February went but glad to welcome March and longer, (toes crossed) warmer days.

When I was still working with my developmentally delayed students, pot hangers were always a favorite project.  Considering that I retired fifteen years ago these have been around for a while.  Standing bun is from a different series.

Whistles and 'whisky' sippers are my go-toos when I haven't been working for a while, or am just feeling at a blah standstill.  

This winter has been a bit easier than the last few.   I think due to several things.  ! started preparing in mid September, got sunroom set up, set up SAD lamp, started St. John's Wort.  But I think the biggest thing is being pain free for the first time in years.  THR (hip replacement) was one of the smartest things I have ever done.  Fear held me back from doing it much earlier......dumb move, grasshopper...

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by..............*s*

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