Monday, April 15, 2013

Busy Days!

This was our Earthworks week end, the clay show for New England potters.  This year's juror was Hayne Bayless.  And what an enjoyable time he gave us.

Our jurying process is unique in that is open to any potter who wish to observe.  The expectation is that there will be a short critique of each work presented and why it's accepted or rejected.  Often there is more articulation about why a piece doesn't work than why it does.

Hayne's comments were thoughtful and helpful, often suggesting ideas for making a piece work better.  At the same time he emphasized that he is one person with his own opinions and others may have different equally valid points.

(No, I did not enter anything this year; time got away from me.)

I did buy this mug which called my name.  The glaze is downright seductive to the touch.

Mug by Hayne Bayless
On Sunday Hayne presented a workshop filled with goodies of information.  He showed us how he uses stencils, extruders, and various tools he has made to make his hand built work.

Hayne Bayless teapot
I found it most interesting that he doesn't use forms to make his work.  Instead he lets his slabs dry to a point where they become self supporting.  He only uses a form for support when he is doing the joining seams.

Hayne Bayless slab bowl
All in all it was a fun and informative time.  Thank you, Hayne!


NCECA will be in Providence in 2015.  Now I wish I had a great big house so I could invite everyone to come.  Alas, the house just squeezes in Proge and me.  But there are lots of B&Bs around here and it's still pre-season so there should be some less expensive places available.  This is pretty exciting for all the potters in our little state.

AND......I have been asked by my old pottery co-op to do a one day work shop on Majolica Decoration .......exciting and a little scary  as I haven't done any workshops in years.

Now I have to spend a few days getting my studio organized.  I hope it warms up a bit....spring is slow this year.  I think Mr. Groundhog is playing with us.

Enjoy your day.  As always, thanks for stopping by.........*s*


  1. Jeff and I really like Hayne's work. We own a few of his pieces. Last year when we were in CT visiting my daughter, we stopped in for a visit at his studio. He Jeff spent some time together at Watershed.

  2. Dearest Suzi,
    With your passion & expertise, you needn't worry about that upcoming workshop! Just get organized and by doing so you can really focus and DO IT! Yes, and do it well, your usual trademark.
    So much admiration for this Smartcat; considering your young 70!
    Hugs to you,

  3. I love the handle of the teapot. Gorgeous! What a good idea to have open jury!

  4. I love Hayne's work and I hope to attend one of his workshops some day. Congrats on the workshop, at least you know well in advance to prepare, eh. Nice to have a jury process and get feedback on improvement.

  5. Hi Michele...Someday I'd like to do Watershed. Did Hayne ever describe his first studio?

    Hi Mariette....Thanks for the kind and encouraging words

    Hi Midori.....Handle and spout are extrude; Hayne is a master of extrusion.

    Hi Linda...I think he would be terrific in a hands on workshop.


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