Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Big Egg Rattle


  1. reminds me of the surface of a nut.

  2. i was just going to ask if the Easter Bunny brought it!

  3. Hi Linda....I made it in a handbuilding workshop with Elsbeth Woody in 1987. I think it was one of the last time I worked with a ^6-^8 clay.

  4. Hi Michele...The Big Brown Bunny left it.....there has been some discussion as to whether it's and egg or something else!

  5. Ummmm....I just noticed that I didn't finish the thought. Supposed to be, There has been some discussion as to whether it's an egg or something else the Bunny left behind!

  6. Hmmm - interesting picture and I am left a bit wordless! I see you have got the clay out again - be sure and show us what happened next! xCathy


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