Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday Mug Abuse

Monday Mugs is a group I post to on FB.  This is by no means a new mug, but I am putting it through it's paces to see what it will stand up to.

I did not like the original glaze so I gave it a couple of brushed on coats of Spectrum #799.  It had been sitting under my heat lamp so I don't think I did anything else to get the glaze to stick.  You can see some of the original design bleeding through.

Normally, I do not put any of my mugs in the microwave.  However I have  put this one through numerous two minute tea heat ups with no adverse effects, even when it's heated repeatedly.

We'll see, grasshopper.....we'll see....... 

It's raining hard enough right now to make good sized splashes in the pond.  I think it's going to keep up for most of the day, which is kind of a good thing!

Aloysius and KikiLaSois have decided that best way to spend the day is sleeping!  Way to go, kitties!

As always, thanks for stopping by......*s*


  1. it's a cat's life, what is the reason you don't put the mugs in the microwave, because they are low fire ?

    1. Hi Linda.... I don't put my mugs in the microwave because I generally paid quite a bit for those I have collected. To me it feels like a kind of disrespect of the potter.

  2. Nice mug and lovely kitties.


  3. Dearest Suzi,
    Love that story and it seems to be after all a very strong mug that endures microwaving and all!
    Look at Aloysius's face! Those stinkers know how to live a good life while their human parents sweat. Hope the sun will be shining soon.

    1. Hi Mariette....The mug's survival is a nice surprise! We'll see for how long!
      Oh we do spoil our little ones!

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Gary...Thanks, you're doing some pretty cool flowers yourself!


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