Thursday, November 5, 2015

Fall Into Spring?

It's November and the weather is in the high sixties and seventies.  It feels like spring; the flowers are blooming again.  I have to admit I love it.  Even the violets are blooming!

 Mother Nature is totally confused!

Meanwhile the oaks and beech are turning.  The red oaks are turning beautiful shades of gold to red.

Enjoy the coming week end.

As always thanks for stopping by.................*s*


  1. looks like some of your plants are fooled just like mine were. ha, we are having the best fall here too, but more rain coming, didn't want it on Saturday, ugh

  2. How lovely. Good idea to take some leaves and picture them artistically!

    1. Hi Barb....I've always gathered leaves and photographed them. The trouble with film was that I had to store the photos. Now I can just put them on my laptop or IPad screen.

  3. Hi Linda....We often get a few days of frost in October and then pleasant weather until December. Temp in the seventies are unusual though.
    Hope you avoid Saturday rain; selling in lousy weather is not fun. Stay warm and dry. Do you use a canopy?

  4. It’s been raining for several weeks in GA, but when I called my mom up north she was enjoying sun and 75 degrees. She was even worried she was getting a sunburn while we chatted. I’m so glad you all are getting such beautiful weather.

    1. Hi Lori....I understand that some areas are having real problems with flooding. Toes crossed that all is well with you.

  5. The north has had some warmer days than us southerners! It's nice to still have flowers blooming in November.

    1. Hi Michele....There is something wonderful about petunias blooming in November!

  6. blooming again! Gosh, i have LOVED the weather this week...

    1. Hi Gary....Me too!!! We lit the wood stove on a few chilly nights in October, but nothing since then! I know you love winter as much as I do! Ha! Ha!

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Jayne....Thanks. You must be knee high or more in flowers these days!

  8. So nice to see color other than yellow and orange! Love the blues and pinks!! Woodstove is going here tonight, Mother Nature changed her mind in 12 hours flat. 70 yesterday morning. Freeze expected tonight, yikes! The nicotiana and roses are still hanging on……. :)

    1. Hi Sandy....Thanks, I'm wintering over come petunias and calibrochia; I love summer flowers blooming in the middle of winter! You never know with the weather; it's not unusual to have a thirty degree drop in thirty minutes around here! Mother Nature is a fussy lady! Stay warm!

  9. Dearest Suzi,
    You are blessed indeed with a spectacular showcase of flowers at an odd time of the year!
    Enjoy it while it lasts, we never know what might be lurking around the bend.
    Today we had 80s and unexpected the sun was back after a very dreary week. The rains stopped for a couple of days but so dark... Tomorrow it will be rather cool.

    1. Hi Mariette...We are enjoying these days. They won't last long! It's supposed to get cool tonight. There's still much to be done, but at least it's comfortable to work outside.
      Have a great week.

  10. Lovely to see flowers and fall leaves at the same time! We have rather confusing seasons in the South Island of New Zealand too, we seem to miss out on a reliable Spring, but fluctuate between blasts of winter chill, and a searing BBQ sun that reminds us that Summer is more or less here!

    1. Hi Peter.....New England wether is odd also. This year we went diectly from one of the most miserable winters on record to summer! It does keep thing interesting!


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