Sunday, August 21, 2016


My amaryllis appears to think it's Christmas in August.  I'm not complaining because I'll take all the flowers I can get this summer, but is it a bit of a surprise!  I love white  flowers and this one is is wonderful.  I didn't do anything special, just have had it one the deck in a shady place and watered it. 

I made this little stegosaurus intending to make it into a whistle.  Life got in the way and by the time I got back to it, it was too dry to become a whistle.  It will make a nice little planter critter.  I'll try another whistle soon.

 We are finally able to enjoy summer.  We lost a good half of it to the unpleasantness of the caterpillars in all their forms.  We could use some rain though.  I think most of the northeast needs rain.

Enjoy the day and, as always, thanks for stopping by.......*s*


  1. It's fun when flowers surprise us!
    We came home to a big caterpillar mess on our patio. It really is disgusting and I haven't had a chance to get out and clean it up yet.

    1. Hi Michele....Caterpillars are disgusting. I know many of them are good for the environment, but..........

  2. Dearest Suzi,
    Oh, how we would have loved some of that excessive rain from New Orleans! You are so right about that and also it should have come to the wild fire area instead of affecting so many people in a dramatic way.
    Love your stegosaurus, a good try!

    1. Hi Mariette......Thanks. Summer draught is common in this area. At least our well is still in good order!

  3. I think all your caterpillars have affected the colouring of your stegosaurus... rain never seems to come along when we want it and in the right quantities :(

    1. Hi Anna....We have had very few summers with the right amount of rain. We had a shower last night with about an inch of rain. Every little bit helps!


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