Sunday, January 15, 2017


No this is not a tiny igloo!  I've been making forms so I can handbuild some bowls.  If I use tissue paper as a separator I can use them unfired.  I will fire them in my next kiln load.

The one below is much smaller.  It may become an egg.  I had a dream about majolica eggs so I may give it a go!

This is a shot of a hazy full moon I took early Saturday morning.  At one point there was a rainbow halo around it that only lasted for a few minutes.

After several days of forty and fifty degree sunny weather with the woodstove off and doors open temps have dropped again.  This is not unique in this area.  We are about five miles inland from the Atlantic and just on the very edge of the upland plateau.  Microclimates abound here.

Toes crossed that all are warm and dry, or cool and dry, depending on location.

As always, thanks for stopping by................*s*


  1. Dearest Suzi,
    That is a perfect form and I bet you manage also the Majolica egg!
    My latest blog is not updating on the side line. Don't know WHY?

    1. Hi Mariette...By making my own forms I have control over the stuff I make.
      Here's hoping you get your blog sorted soon.

  2. Interesting. I have two hand builders that I am teaching- it is a nice challenge for us all!

    1. Hi Meredith...I think one reason I enjoy handbuilding is that I used a lot of clay for sculpture before I became a potter.

  3. guessing you will use these as a hump mould? the tissue paper is a good idea...

    1. Hi Anna.....Yes, they will be humpmolds. I like tissue paper because it's so thin. Sometimes I use two layers. My other favorite is an old Tshirt.

  4. Majolica eggs! Can't wait to see what you do with those.
    I am happy that our cold spell was short. We have been bouncing around from the 40's to the low 70's. I prefer the 70's!!

  5. Hi Michele....We are having a warm spell too. Well warm for here, temps in the high 40's and 50's!
    Toes are crossed in the hopes I can use at least one later today.

  6. nice form, maybe one of these days I'll get into the studio and do some work, I still remember you using balloons and have yet to try that either.

  7. Hi Linda.....Funny that you mention balloons. I just put them on my shopping list!
    I'm sure that when you are ready you will be back in your studio!

  8. That is a nice shape. I will be waiting to see what you make using it.


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