Saturday, September 4, 2021


Never rains but it pours.....and pours.....and pours......

Just before we prepped for Henri we discovered a rear strut on the Subaru had broken and was gouging a canyon in the tire.  Needless to say we stopped driving.  Fortunately we were well prepared for Henri.  We lost power for about thirty-six hours. The gas tank was full so we ran the power inverter to cool the small fridge, radio, lights, and DVD. (Started rewatching Treme, which only seemed appropriate.)

Here is KikiLaSois playing with a pencil, just because she is still so cute at about fifteen years.

The internet, cable, etc. were another story. Lines were on the ground. Power was restored to the top of the hill Wednesday afternoon.  Once it was established that the problem was indeed between the house and the street they had a service truck out here Friday morning.  Power was restored and we were happy.

Wednesday night the rain began again!  And rained........hard all night and most of Thursday.  I stopped measuring at six inches.

It has been lovely having a green summer, knowing that water will not be a problem this year.

Meanwhile, I had the car towed. Had to get it reregistered as due to Covid and arcane ways of the DMV the registration lapsed.  As it was more than ninety days I had to go in person which required a reserved time.  This is not as bad as it sounds. There was a wait past my arrival time, but with check in that was fine.  Once inside it went very quickly. There were no melt downs or people going ballistic and having to be escorted from the building. Toes crossed they keep something of the sort after this is over!

So my anxiety and ability to make mountains out of molehills was for naught! The hardest part will be remembering my new plate number. I had the old one for thirty-five years.

May you always live in interesting times.  I can do with a little less interest for a while, thank-you!

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by..............*s*


  1. Dearest Suzi,
    Hurricane Henri was in 1979...?!
    Are you referring to Hurrican Ida?
    Had to look up DMV as it is an American habit to always use abbreviations. Even after living here now for 38 years, it still is hard. Department for Motor Vehicles... so you had not paid your license tag tax or had it registered. How come you needed a new plate number on the same car?
    Glad you are safe and nothing bad happened.

    1. Hi Mriette...Henri came ashore in New England, which hasn't happened in many years. Fortunately the cooler northern waters made it lose a lot of power so it was mostly tropical storm strength with some big gusts. Ida was rain but little wind.
      Registrations and licenses were on hold until 2021. Forgot to renew as I was hardly driving. Because I was over ninety days I had to do a new registration. After ninety days RI takes the plates out of circulation. All DMVs' have their whims and fancies!

    2. Suzi, confusing to name a Tropical Storm the same as an earlier Hurricane...
      What a pain in the neck for having the license tag taken out of circulation! Indeed, they have their whims and fancies and not always customer friendly.
      We're still waiting since April to have our yard dried out enough for having big trees cut down and stumps grind up. What a WET year... it never ends it looks like.
      KikiLaSois playing with a pencil, just like our 14.5 year old tiny Tiggy-Tiger girl. She LOVES pens and when she 'catches' them, she loudly announces her prey to us.
      Big hugs,

  2. Whew, you all did have the slam of that storm as it hit the east coast. We were spared the worst of it and just got a bit of rain. It could have been different. I've got a new tag this year...for some strange reason, after living here 14 years. Second car with same tag till this year. It's really inane this time, JEL-1200. Even I can remember that!

    1. Hi Barb...Such interesting times we live in. So glad you were spared the storms.
      DMVs are strange throughout the country!

  3. glad you got through the stormy weather OK.. sounds very wet!

    1. Hi Anna...It's very wet indeed. The upside is that we don't have to worry about wells going dry. Expecting more rain later today.
      Toes crossed that you are managing lockdown. It's a royal pain but not as much as Covid.

  4. Glad you came through ok.
    A cat is always a kitten inside!


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