Monday, September 20, 2021

Majolica Monday #10

Here’s another experiment with paper clay.  It’s a wall planter, that will be once fired.

I’m not sure if I would truly call it majolica as it will have a clear coat over the glaze.  This is Spectrum #200 Satin series.  The clear gives a nice depth to the colors.

As for being majolica, perhaps not in the true sense, but close enough….I guess….maybe…..we’ll see, grasshopper……we’ll see……. 

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by……………*s*


  1. Beautiful these delicate lines and color...
    Greetings to you.

  2. Dearest Suzi,
    That is a pretty wall planter.
    No experience with Majolica at all.

  3. Not sure what is going on. Had two comments show up on my email, but never here. May be Blogspot; may be me......we'll see, grasshopper.....we'll see.

  4. Dearest Suzi,
    Guess you have to click on Comments for letting them go through!
    That is the 3rd from the top: Posts; Stats; Comments... There you can either trash them or to the very right, accept them and they show up here. Good luck!

  5. To the very top right, here on this blog, click on 'Dashboard' or maybe 'Design', depends on your personal as I have 'Design' and here at your blog I see 'Dashboard'.
    Then on the left you select Comments = 3rd from top...
    You will manage to do this.
    I usually leave the Design page open and my present blog, so it is easy for refreshing that page to see any new comments and reply to them.
    Good luck!

    1. Hi. Mariette.......Thanks for the instructions.

    2. You're quite welcome Suzi and you made me happy to find all the comments here! Just got home from a long drive back and forth to Atlanta. And a very sad tiding of a young friend that passed away today (57)...


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