Monday, January 24, 2022

Majolica Monday #3

 A fish ready for the kiln.  It's in white earth. I have a lot of it that came to via a friend of a friend. I don't like it for throwing, but it works very well for hand building. Think I will make a lot of planters with it.

It's currently pretty cold but not frigid.  The sun is trying hard to come out but I think it's a losing battle.  However, the last night was clear and the moon was lovely.

Oh Fer Duh moment!  Just realized that my Tracfone is going kaput on Feb 1, so I'm off to see what I can do about getting a fairly inexpensive replacement. Toes crossed I can find something with few bells and whistles.

My auto's check engine light came on Friday, the speed control light started blinking at the same time so perhaps it will be a simple electrical problem caused by all the rain we have had lately.

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by.................*s*


  1. Dearest Suzi,
    Hoping that none of your problems will cause you sorrow.
    Good luck in finding another Tracfone and also with your car, nothing serious I hope!

  2. Hi Mariette...I was in y'mountains out of molehills' mode. Got a new phone with no problem. Taking the car in tomorrow for diagnostics. They think it may be a simple electric problem.
    We'll see, grasshopper......we'll see


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