Saturday, March 23, 2019

So This Is Spring?

I am not a happy camper!  Woke up to snow this morning.  Fortunately it is supposed to be in the 40’s today and mid 50’s with sun tomorrow

We had two of our very big, very dead oak trees taken down recently.  There is lots of wood for next year and a lot of mess that comes with feeling trees.

More yard work tomorrow.

Enjoy the weekend.   Wishing all those who are experiencing extreme weather a good survival.

As always, thanks for stopping by..........*s*


  1. Dearest Suzi,
    Sorry for your snow after felling so many trees... Yes, a lot of mess is involved with that kind of yard work and it is expensive too.
    May you soon see sunnier days and be able to go outside.
    We're keeping our fingers crossed as today a prospect buyer will look at our adjacent lot. We need to get rid of it, too much upkeep and property tax. Life has to simplify, especially for Pieter's heart condition...
    Big hug and happy weekend!

  2. I hate cleaning up after trees are downed; at least snow is insulating, we get no snow only cold and wind which is drying to the plants. I was watching a hgtv show "we bought the farm" and folks looked at a place that had an earth-sheltered greenhouse with the windows above grade and a wood heater and raised bins, it was fabulous. you could use one of those and I could too.

  3. Oh my...last year we had March snows, but not this year. Our only real snow was back in Dec, with a few little duds for this winter. Who knows these days! Glad you have the trees down and it sounds like you can burn a lot of it at least next winter.

  4. You must be absolutely ready to put this winter to bed. At least the trees are down and can't do any damage plus they will keep you warm next year.

  5. This is a Way where you can
    get ideas FROM our wurxx -
    I have a lil German in me, too:
    my Brooklyn grandpa was
    half Kraut; he became an
    undertaker who used to kid,
    'Nope. No shortage of cash.
    Somebuddy's always dying'.
    I find that extremely hilarious:
    I'm a NDEr now.
    Who knew??
    God bless you.
    I love you, too.
    A lot.


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