Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Friendly Kitty

Our very dear kitty Friendly Kitty died last night of renal failure.  She had been diagnosed several months ago, so her death was not unexpected.  She was also known as Queen Cat because of her black crown and the way she would would sit on a shelf and watch the other animals.

We adopted her around 2008 in an ice storm.  She had been hanging around Proge’s studio door all fall.  He didn’t want to bring her in as she was wearing a collar and he did not want to take someone’s pet.  He did put out food and a shelter for her.  Until one very icy night she showed up with ice covering her with a block of ice at the tip of her tail.  That was when she got her name, which is slightly ironic as she loved people but had little or no use for cats.

She died quietly beside me as I was brushing her.  We buried her in our animal graveyard with her dish, her ball, and flowers.  I always do this with our pets. I think I must have some Egyptian genes in me.

As always, thanks for stopping by...........*s*


  1. Dearest Suzi,
    This is so sad and always very hard to let go of one of our sweet family members... Friendly Kitty at least has known true human love! One only wonders how she ended up at your studio area. Was she abandoned, set out by someone to fend for herself? One of our Church members was walking her big dogs the other day around a lake behind their home. She found an empty box and annoyed thought, those nasty people littering... took it home to clean up. Next day she found more or less in the same spot two kittens! She took them home and to the vet and they are living with them. She kept wondering however if some nasty person(s) put out more than two inside that box... How cowardly! Once, they all will meet their final Judge.
    Big hugs to you,

  2. cats know where the best homes are; so very sorry about Friendly Kitty

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