Sunday, October 31, 2021


May the coming season endow you with strength, peace and joy.
Enjoy a blessed Samhain



Friday, October 29, 2021

Something Neat

I am becoming an aloe hoarder!  The aloe in the first picture is the top of my big aloe which was looking very sorry indeed.  I find that if I stick a few inches of stem into a pot, it will grow a new plant.

I left the old cut off plant in a corner of my deck. Last week when I was bringing plants in I found this, so of course it has to come in too.  In addition I have five that grew from babies off this plant. They are big enough to be putting out babies of their own.

 It always amazes me how plants will survive under the most adverse circumstances. 

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by..............*s*

Monday, October 25, 2021

Majolica Monday #13

Triangle bowl. Thrown floorless cylinder with thrown slab bottom. Fired ^05-04.

I remember making a bunch of these, but I have no idea when or where.  Quite a while ago as it’s another cleaning find.

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by…………*s*  


Monday, October 18, 2021

Monday Majolica #12

Look what I found!  I don’t know how this got into a box of stuff completely unrelated to pottery, but I was very glad to find it.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I originally made six of these. I thought the missing goblets were all broken and long gone. I was so happy to find this one.

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by………….*s*


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Endless Fall

Started this post and never finished or posted.  This is another shot of my deck rail with the petunias I grew from saved seed. That’s a double hibiscus on the end. There are two more that aren’t in the picture.
I am going to bring a bunch of them in to winter over in my sunroom.  The blooms peter out in December so I cut them back. If all goes according to plan they will start flowering March.

 As I have mentioned before, I move upstairs and do pottery glazing and painting when my studio gets too chilly to heat.  This year I am trying to put some thought into it rather a spur of the moment harem-scarum  move.

I’ve been using my SAD lamp.  Turns out the kitties love the warmth from it. I was going to buy one more to keep in the sunroom.  I may have to buy two.

We are still enjoying one of our long warm falls. The leaves on the swamp maples are barely beginning to turn. We will be covering the pool this week, before the leaves really start coming down.  I hate to do it as I love to be out there even though it’s no longer swimming weather. (And I wonder every year how I swam in the ocean with delight as a youngster, when we thought 70º was warm.) Closing the pool signifies the real end of summer.

Toes crossed everyone enjoys the long week end. There willprobably be all sorts of goings on on Federal Hill in Providence and probably Westerly, big Italian heritage in both places.

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by…………..*s*

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Majolica Monday #11 (BLTN Edition)

These are some of the first goblets I ever made way back in 1985-'86 when I first became entranced with majolica.  I originally worked with a white clay body called Newton White.  It came from Cutter Ceramics after they bought out Newton Pottery which was before my time.  This was a high talc, low fire white.  I loved working with it as it was easy to throw and hand build with.  Ultimately I changed to a terra cotta body because I liked the way my glazes looked over the darker body.  The glaze was an old Val Cushing low fire. I loved the way it felt but it was so soft that it chipped easily.

 This was originally a set of six with stars, heart, and rings being the other three. 

The cuttings are from a sweet potato.  The provide a touch of greenery all winter. I am also going to bring in petunias to winter over.

All this started because I have been getting my sunroom ready to bring in plants. In the process I have cleaned up a storage area on the deck.  As I have said before, It's amazing the forgotten stuff you find when you clean up forgotten areas. 

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by.......*s*