Friday, October 29, 2021

Something Neat

I am becoming an aloe hoarder!  The aloe in the first picture is the top of my big aloe which was looking very sorry indeed.  I find that if I stick a few inches of stem into a pot, it will grow a new plant.

I left the old cut off plant in a corner of my deck. Last week when I was bringing plants in I found this, so of course it has to come in too.  In addition I have five that grew from babies off this plant. They are big enough to be putting out babies of their own.

 It always amazes me how plants will survive under the most adverse circumstances. 

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by..............*s*


  1. Dearest Suzi,
    Nature sure is STRONG! Survival is the key here and we only can admire those plants and learn from them.
    Meanwhile you got a nice stock of Aloe plants.

    1. Hi Mariette……Plants are always good for a few surprises. All my petunias and marigolds grew from overwintered seed this year.

  2. I haven't had one for several years...and kind of miss them!

    1. Hi Barb……If we lived closer to each other I would arrive on on your doorstep with one.

  3. I got a small lone this summer and put in a pot with cacti soil and it thrived and now I've moved it into our solarium, you never know when you'll need some of that aloe gel. No growing from a stump like that I am amazed.

  4. Hi Linda…..Between kilns and ovens an aloe is a necessity.


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