Friday, October 28, 2022

First Pot Friday

 This is the very first pot I ever made, way back in 1965.  Only potted for about six months before life got in the way.  Twenty years later I did a beginner class because the professor I had intended to return to uni to work with was on sabbatical. (Knew I had to do something as Proge was going away for high school.)

The eeriest thing was that as soon as I put my hands n clay my body remembered how to center and pull up.  A lot of really bad pots followed!  Within two weeks I was wondering why I ever stopped,

Through all the ups and downs of my life, I always kept this first pot.  Guess it was trying to tell me something.

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by………….*s*

P.S.  Blogger is still giving me grief about replying to comments.  Please know that I read and enjoy them all……………*s*

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Wordless Wednesday


As always,  stay safe, and thanks for stopping by…………..*s*

Saturday, October 15, 2022


 My aloe farm:  

Two years ago my first aloe had babies. So I carefully potted them up.  Then my original plant got so unwieldy that I cut it off, trimmed it down and gave it a new pot.  I forgot about the stump until it started sprouting new growth.  Originally there were five; one fell off so it too got a new pot.  This summer what were the original five baby plants became too rambunctious so they each got a trimming and repotting.  There were also new babies which I potted up.  I stuck all the old stumps in a large pot…..just because.

The upshot is That I now have an aloe plantation.  I will probably move some of them to  my bedroom when I bring more plants in.

We’ll see, grasshopper…….we’ll see……..

As always stay safe, and thanks for stopping by………..*s*

Thursday, October 6, 2022

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday

My darling KikiLaSois died yesterday.  We adopted her when she was somewhere between two and five years old so she was probably in the vicinity of eighteen, a good age for a kitty who began her life living out of a dumpster.

 She had the quietest purr and mew I have ever heard.  We used to say that Aloysius , the other half of the dumpster duo, was making up for it by being a very loud boy.  

Sleep sweetly my little girl.

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by.............*s*