This is the very first pot I ever made, way back in 1965. Only potted for about six months before life got in the way. Twenty years later I did a beginner class because the professor I had intended to return to uni to work with was on sabbatical. (Knew I had to do something as Proge was going away for high school.)
The eeriest thing was that as soon as I put my hands n clay my body remembered how to center and pull up. A lot of really bad pots followed! Within two weeks I was wondering why I ever stopped,
Through all the ups and downs of my life, I always kept this first pot. Guess it was trying to tell me something.
As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by………….*s*
P.S. Blogger is still giving me grief about replying to comments. Please know that I read and enjoy them all……………*s*