Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Commercial Pots & Glaze

I glazed and fired one purchased pot last year. It worked out well so I am doing a bunch more this month.
These are glazed with Spectrum #799, Majolica White.  
The designs will not match as I may be trying some new stuff.  The great thing about using commercial pots that I have so little invested in them.

 Things are growing and blooming like crazy. Beautiful but pollen producing. May navy blue auto is green!

As always, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by............*s*


  1. Dearest Suzi,
    We're beyond the pollen season here, time flies so that is no problem.
    You have been very industrious! Good luck with further glazing.

    1. Hi Mariette...Wehave about another month this. As long as I remember to take my allergy meds I am fine. It's worth the hassle to have sunny, warm days again.

    2. Never used any allergy meds... it would certainly kill my kidneys!

  2. the pollen is terrible here this year, where do you get your pots, they are expensive here

    1. Hi Linda...I think it's bad here because we've had so much rain so the world is lush.
      I get my pots at Job Lot, which is local to RI and southern New England. Not too costly. I think the four round ones cost about $6.00 each.

  3. That is a good idea.
    Do you get triggered by native pollen or from introduced species?
    Or just any pollen!!

  4. Hi Gwynneth...Any old pollen will do. 🤭 I live on the edge of several thousand acres of state forest so it's unavoidable.


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