Friday, October 23, 2020

Here We Go Again

 I am indeed going through another bout of Lyme. Saw my doc yesterday for what was basically a follow up appointment.  Showed her a bite I got less than a week ago, which was already showing a ring. Immediately prescribed three weeks of antibiotics.

 At least I don’t have to worry about reaction to sun, but it’s still a drag.  I am more annoyed than anything.


We’ll see, grasshopper......we’ll see.......

As always, stay safe, enjoy the weekend, and, as always, thanks for stopping by...........*s*

Monday, October 19, 2020

Fall Flowers

Thanks to our long autumn with no frost my morning glories are finally starting to bloom.  This is a shot I took with my iPad.  There will be better ones from my camera.

I planted them very late in July.  With any luck they will bloom for several more weeks.

This is outside my second story bedroom window. The idea was that I would have morning glories to look at when I woke up.

We’ll see, grasshopper.........we’ll see.......

As always, stay safe and thanks for stopping by.............*s*


Sunday, October 11, 2020

It’s Always Sumthin’: Part ???

 Woke up this morning with weird pain under my arm, spreading across chest. First half asleep thought was “OMG! Heart attack!”

NO!  A deer tick! Embedded in my armpit, hitting a nerve. Got it off. Will keep an eye out. I have a feeling this might be a bad one.

Watch out for them. 

Just when you thought it was safe to go in the woods......

We’ll see, grasshopper........we’ll see.............

As always, stay safe, and  thanks for stopping by...........*s*

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


I have become very lazy about my bread baking lately. I have grown too dependent on my Cuban Bread Recipe.  It’s quick and tasty, but gets a little boring after a while.

Yesterday while going through one of my pottery books I found my old recipe for Oatmeal Bread.  I don’t know how it got into a book on teapots, probably as a book mark.

This is a tasty, only slightly sweet loaf.  I made some of it into hamburger buns, which were very tasty. I haven’t toasted it yet, but I think it will work well.

I baked it in a large, free form loaf, which it isn’t really designed for.  It spread a bit more than I wanted, so I future I will probably bake it in loaf pans.

Meanwhile we are getting ready for the coming winter. Wood has been delivered. I am beginning to bring plants in. Somewhere I mentioned that I am rearranging the sunroom. I spend a lot of time in there in cold weather.
As always, thanks for stopping by...........*s*

Monday, October 5, 2020

Rain, Rain Stay A Day

 We need days of slow persistent rain, but this will probably end by tomorrow.

Meanwhile our leaves are turning, probably due to stress since we have not had anything near a freezing temp.  And my morning glories which were planted very late in the summer have tons of buds. If we get a few more weeks of the present weather we may have a blue Halloween!

Blogger and I are not agreeing today, so I will wish all a good week. 

As always, thanks for stopping by...........*s*